How to setup cockatiel nestbox or nest


If you are planning to breed your cockatiels, a nest is very important, and that might leave you wondering how to setup cockatiel nestbox or nest. Fortunately, this can be a fairly simple process, even if you would rather not buy one.

You should use wood for your cockatiel’s nest box, as it is easier to keep it sterile than cardboard. Some people do successfully use cardboard boxes as nesting boxes, but it is better to buy a box or make one from wood if possible. Additionally, nest boxes should have a perch in front of the hole, which can be tricky to achieve in cardboard.

How To Setup Cockatiel Nestbox Or Nest

Step One) Choose your material. Some people use cardboard boxes for their nest boxes and in a pinch, this will do, but it is not ideal. Instead, you should look at getting wood. You want untreated wood that is not covered in chemicals. You can buy commercial nest boxes if you don’t want to make your own.

Step Two) Once you have made or purchased your nest box, put it against the edge of the cage to keep it stable. You can use cable ties to hold it in place.

Step Three) Fill the box with nesting material, such as shredded paper (not colored). Avoid heavily inked papers and just use plain.

Step Four) Attach a perch to the front of the wooden box just beneath the 3.5 inch hole if possible. This may come with the box, but it’s best to make one if not. The male cockatiel needs to lean in to feed his mate, so he needs a perch for this.


Make sure a nest box is comfortable, easy to access, and fixed to something stable so the birds cannot topple it over with young inside. With some clean bedding, your birds will have everything they need!

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